Vital Health Glow

Systematic Kinesiology & Hocatt Therapy Combo

Systematic Kinesiology helps to bring balance back into the physical, emotional, energetical, mental and biochemical bodies. It specialises in the prevention, identification, treatment and maintenance of any health issue, illness or disease.

The HOCATT™  is a single unit developed for a single purpose – strategic wellness and vitality. It is the answer to all our prayers when it comes to promoting health and wellbeing.

Investment: €150

  • This 135 minute treatment combination aims to improve your overall health.

    Kinesiology empowers individuals to take control of their own health in a proactive, positive way. “Knowledge is Power” and through gentle, non-invasive muscle testing this treatment can get to the root cause of your problems.

    Hocatt Therapy is a cutting-edge wellness treatment that combines multiple modalities in one session. Clients relax in a chamber while experiencing a range of therapies, including ozone, carbonic acid, far infrared, and more. This synergistic approach promotes detoxification, circulation, and overall vitality. Hocatt Therapy is known for its rejuvenating effects on the body, providing a comprehensive wellness experience in a single session.

  • Systematic Kinesiology can help with the following:

    Immune issues/frequent infections

    Digestive Issues

    Hormonal Issues



    Neck and Back Pain

    Food Sensitivities & Intolerances

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

    Weight Loss

    Headaches & Migraines

    Depression & Anxiety

    Muscle & Joint Pain

    Tiredness & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Frequent Illness

    Fears & Phobias

    Emotional & Behavioural Issues

    Recurring Injuries

    Loss of Direction & Purpose

    These are the main benefits of the HOCATT™ therapy:

    Stimulating & Supporting the Immune System

    Improving Blood & Lymph Circulation

    Enhancing the Production of Hormones & Enzymes

    Inactivates Viruses, Bacteria, Yeast, Fungi, Parasites

    Assists the Body’s Natural Healing


    Ensuring Post-Operative Recovery

    Reduces Inflammation

    Relieving Acute & Chronic Pain

    Improves Brain Function

    Reducing Stress & Anxiety

    Slowing Anti-Ageing effects

    Increasing Athletic Performance

    Stimulating Mental Clarity & Memory

    Removes Toxins & Free Radical

    Helps Weight Loss (burning approx. 600cal per session)